Covid-19 Vaccine "Ethical Profiles"

The information in this chart regarding vaccine manufacturers and abortion-derived cell line usage was originally collated by the Charlotte Lozier Institute, and the "Ethical Profile" designation is provided for comparative purposes by Fr. Tad Pacholczyk. For further explanation of the chart, see this link: Must Catholics Refuse a COVID-19 Vaccine Made with Cell Lines from Abortions?
For related articles from Father Tad, see: COVID-19
Templates for Letters
to Write to Pharmaceutical Companies to Speak Against
the Continued Use of Cell Lines from Abortions
Template #1 from Vaccines and Other Entanglements with Abortion:
Dear [Vaccine Manufacturer]
I am writing in regard to your COVID-19 vaccine. It is my understanding that a cell line originally derived from an abortion is being used in the production of your vaccine. I am contacting you to request that your company stop relying on these cells in the pharmaceutical work that you carry out. Please understand that as one of your potential customers, I am very concerned about these issues. It is my understanding that alternative, non-abortion-derived cell sources are available or could be made available. It is important for all of us to show our respect for the remains of those children whose lives were taken prematurely, and one way we can do this is by avoiding these cell lines in scientific research and pharmaceutical development. Thank you.
Template #2 from the Catholic Medical Association:
Dear [Vaccine Manufacturer]
I am (or We are) writing to thank you for the outstanding work __________ (company) has done in vaccine research and development. I, along with millions of Americans, appreciate and support your ongoing efforts to develop effective, safe and widely available vaccines against serious, potentially fatal infectious diseases.
However, I -- along with many Americans -- must also strenuously object to the unethical and unnecessary use of tissue, cells, or cell lines derived from voluntary abortions or human embryos in vaccine design, development or production.
While many will consent to receiving such morally tainted vaccines for the common good, we do so under duress due to their association with the exploitation of innocent human life, no matter how remote.
As a nation, we must all work to restore the fundamental principle that the dignity of every human life must be defended from its inception to natural death. This duty is particularly significant for the pharmaceutical industry, whose mission is to safeguard life and health without compromising fundamental ethical standards.
I implore you to work expeditiously toward the goal of developing safe and effective vaccines for the welfare of all without human exploitation and thereby avoid placing anyone in the position of having to choose between being vaccinated against a serious disease or violating his or her conscience.
Template #3 modified from USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat:
Dear [Vaccine Manufacturer]
As our nation works to defend itself from the deadly Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), I am writing to express my gratitude for your efforts to combat the virus and to ask for your help to ensure that Americans will have access to vaccines that are free from any connection to abortion.
I am aware that, among the dozens of vaccines currently in development, some are being produced using old cell lines that were created from the cells of aborted babies. For example, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has a substantial contract from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and has produced a vaccine using one of these ethically problematic cell lines.
Thankfully, other vaccines such as those being developed by Sanofi Pasteur, Inovio, and the John Paul II Medical Research Institute utilize cell lines not connected to unethical procedures and methods.
To be clear, I strongly support efforts to develop an effective, safe, and widely available vaccine as quickly as possible. However, I also strongly urge our federal government to ensure that fundamental moral principles are followed in the development of such vaccines, most importantly, the principle that human life is sacred and should never be exploited.
It is critically important that Americans have access to a vaccine that is produced ethically: no American should be forced to choose between being vaccinated against this potentially deadly virus and violating his or her conscience. Fortunately, there is no need to use ethically problematic cell lines to produce a COVID vaccine, or any vaccine, as other cell lines or processes that do not involve cells from abortions are available and are regularly being used to produce other vaccines.
I urgently and respectfully implore you to use only ethical cell lines or processes for producing vaccines.
Additional Templates: See also the following templates that are available from the USCCB: Letters to Pharmaceutical Companies
Contacts for Manufacturers of Vaccines
The contacts listed below are generic, and represent a starting point for further research in terms of contacting vaccine manufacturers. When contact information of CEO’s is available, it's advisable to also contact them, as well as members of executive boards. There is a real need to push back against the continued use of these cells in vaccine development work and other forms of research.
Moderna via email:
Johnson and Johnson: