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The NCBC’s Father Tad answers call-in questions related to bioethics in this September 11, 2023 episode of EWTN’s Catholic Answers Live show with Cy Kellett hosting. Topics of interest to listeners included:

15:26 - Would these synthetic embryos be soulless when they become full grown adults?
23:53 - Do the scientists who work on the embryos consider them humans or just scientific objects?
31:10 - Doesn’t anyone believe in the healing power of God instead of just depending on science?
37:25 - How are we supposed to think about it philosophically if humans create other humans and whether they have souls?
42:35 - If life begins at conception, then how does one enforce laws around miscarriages?
46:26 - Could plan B be ethical if you take the approach of self-defense in a situation of rape?
50:17 - Why would it be unethical to end a life if the quality of life is low?


Audio of Catholic Answers Live Program on Bioethics

Video of Catholic Answers Live Program on Bioethics: