FT News Feed
- Father Tad
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- FT News Feed
- Drew Mariani Show with Father Tad on AI, Elon Musk, Neuralink, Brain Death, Organ Donation and the Work of Courage International
- Massachusetts Legislation - Surrogacy for Same-Sex Couples on Teresa Tomeo's Catholic Connection
- Father Tad & Drew Mariani Discuss Capital Punishment and Lab Grown Brains
- Fr. McTeigue and Fr. Tad's In-Depth Discussion of Brain Death and Organ Donation
- Father Tad Discusses the Significant Ethical Objections to In Vitro Fertilization on the Missouri Catholic Conference PodCast
- Father Tad Participates in a Panel Discussion on X - The Speaker Salon on China's On-Demand Organ Transplant Industry
- Deacon Mike Manno, Gina Noll, and Father Tad on Infertility & the Ethics of IVF
- Teresa Tomeo and Father Tad Discuss Transgender Ideological Currents
- Fr. McTeigue and Fr. Tad's In-Depth Discussion of the Ethics of IVF
- Questions Around Brain Death on the Drew Mariani Show
- Teresa Tomeo & Father Tad Discuss New Vatican Doc on Human Dignity
- Discussing the Ethics of Pig to Human Kidney Transplants
- Teresa Tomeo and Father Tad Discuss the Latest Diocesan Statements and Policies on Transgenderism
- Teresa Tomeo with Father Tad on the NHS & Puberty Blockers, Alabama Supreme Court & IVF
- Fr. Tad, and No Intelligent Person Can Possibly Believe...?
- Catholic 101 on IVF — Why Is IVF Wrong?
- Cremains & Donating Your Body to Science on the Drew Mariani Show
- Lincoln Diocese Partners with the National Catholic Bioethics Center
- New Threats to Informed Consent - Father Tad and Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Father Tad on Elon Musk and Brain-Computer Interfaces - Interview with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Father Tad on the Pope's Helpful Comments Condemning Surrogacy
- A Catholic Approach to Fertility - The Catholic Theology Show
- Should States or Countries Ban "Conversion Therapy?"
- CRISPR Gene Editing Treats Sickle Cell Anemia
- The Ethics of Privacy, 23andMe and How Our DNA Sequences are Used
- Father Tad on Synthetic Embryos in "The College Fix"
- Father Tad Fields Bioethics Questions from Callers on Catholic Answers
- Baby Indi Gregory — Parental Authority and a Child’s “Best Interests”
- Father Tad on the Death of Baby Indi and Other Bioethical Issues on the Drew Mariani Show
- NCBC Ethicist Addresses Catholic Healthcare Professionals on the Transgender Question
- The Pulse of Catholic Medicine: IVF and Infertility Talk by Father Tad
- News Brief: Focus of Florida Conference on Faith and Infertility
- Making Good Medical Decisions at the End of Life — The Drew Mariani Show
- Aleteia — Catholic Ethicists on California’s Rise in Assisted Suicide
- Teresa Tomeo and Fr. Tad Discuss Synthetic Embryos on Ave Maria Radio
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show on Bioethics
- News Brief: Phoenix Respect Life Luncheon Features Father Tad
- Understanding End of Life Decision Making - Fr Tad on the Bishop's Hour
- California and the False Logic of Physician-Assisted Suicide - Fr. Tad Comments to OSV
- Son Rise Morning Show – Father Tad Interviewed About Recent Legislative Recommendations Affecting How Brain Death is Determined
- Intersex, Trans, and Richard Dawkins
- Father Tad Discusses Embryo Adoption with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Bioethics on Air: Episode 118: 'State of the Union' on Biomedical Research
- Father Tad Weighs in on "Intersex" Confusion in CatholicVote Discussion
- Reverse-programming of Skin cells into Sex Cells. Father Tad Discusses “In Vitro Gametogenesis" on the Drew Mariani Show – Relevant Radio
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show on Bioethics
- A "Deep Dive" in Salon: Father Tad quoted in "How dead is 'dead enough'"?
- Catholic Answers Focus: Host Cy Kellett and Father Tad Discuss the Ethics of Transhumanism
- Our Sunday Visitor News Article by Kimberley Heatherington - Father Tad weighs in on "Synthetic Embryos"
- Father Tad Discusses "Synthetic Embryos" with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Our Sunday Visitor News Reporter Kate Scanlon Interviews Father Tad on the Legalization of Marijuana
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show on Bioethics
- "Current News" Anchor Christine Persichette Interviews Father Tad on the Ethical Concerns Raised by 3-Parent Embryo Technology
- Father Tad Discusses 3-Parent Embryo Technology with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Kresta in the Afternoon - Father Tad Weighs in on Mitochondrial Donation Treatment (MDT) and the First UK Baby born with DNA from 3 Parents
- Father Tad joins the Friars to Discuss "Cooperation with Evil" on the Dominican Godsplaining Podcast
- Respect for the Remains of the Dead with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) Publishes Father Tad's Column on 'Dissolving the Dead'
- Positively Pro-Life! Maria Gallagher interviews Father Tad on Bioethics and the Dangers of Assisted Suicide
- Transgender Reassignment Surgery: Father Tad weighs in on USCCB Statement
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show on Bioethics
- Incentivizing Organ Donations with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Iowa Catholic Faith on Trial Call-in Radio Show - Father Tad Discusses the Diocese of Des Moines Iowa Transgender Policy
- The FDA Modernization Act 2.0: Father Tad Contributes to Discussion on Updated Animal Welfare Law that Allows Alternative Testing for Drug Trials
- ‘Human Composting’ Debate: Father Tad Weighs in on the Human Composting and Liquefying Discussion in the National Catholic Register
- Kresta in the Afternoon - Fr. Tad Reflects on the Spiritual Side of Dementia
- Frozen in Time: Father Tad Contributes to Discussion on the Fate of Human Embryos on Ice in the National Catholic Register
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show on Bioethics
- Living Conscientiously: A Catholic Pharmacy Passionate About Life - Father Tad / NCBC Recognized in the National Catholic Register
- CFN Live - Monsignor James Vlaun Interviews Father Tad and Discusses NCBC Resources along with Key Ethical Topics
- The Moral Code & Reproductive Technologies with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show on Bioethics
- Genetics & the Woolly Mammoth with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Father Tad Comments on Reports of Producing Synthetic Mouse Embryos
- NCBC and St. Bernard's Announce New Graduate Certification Program in Catholic Bioethics
- Is Abortion Allowed for a 10-year-old Rape Victim? - Father Tad Comments to the CNA
- The Pro-Life Response to Life-Threatening Pregnancies - Father Tad Quoted in the National Catholic Register
- Proposed Anti-Abortion Laws Could Limit IVF Availability - Father Tad Quoted in The Guardian
- Proposed California Legislation Could Undermine Protection for Newborns – Father Tad Quoted in the National Catholic Register
- Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Federally Funded Research - Father Tad Comments to the National Catholic Register
- ‘Safe’ Injection Sites for Drug Addicts – Father Tad Comments to the National Catholic Register
- Father Tad Discusses the Need for Conscience Exemptions from COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates with the Associated Press
- Father Tad Interviewed About The Principles of Catholic Bioethics by the University of Mary
- Gene Editing with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- Vatican Issues a Second COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate – Father Tad Quoted in the National Catholic Register
- Son Rise Morning Show – Father Tad Interviewed About Pig Heart Transplant to Human Recipient
- Pig Heart Transplant to a Human Recipient - Father Tad Comments to USA Today
- CFN Live - Monsignor James Vlaun Interviews Father Tad and Discusses the Work and Resources of the NCBC
- USA Today Discusses Latino Vaccination Rates, Vaccine Hesitancy, and Conscience Exemptions for Mandates with Father Tad
- USA Today and Father Tad Discuss the Morality of Pig-to-Human Kidney Transplants
- CA Live Radio — Father Tad Discusses Yoga, brain death, Viagra and Contraception
- Individual Conscience Concerns and Federal Guidelines for Vaccine Religious Exemptions — Father Tad's Comments to the CNA
- Resources for Catholic Ethical and Moral Concerns Related to COVID-19 - Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
- Father Tad Discusses Religious Exemption Requests in Higher Education
- Father Tad on the NCBC Conscience Exemption Form and the Pope's Comments on Vaccination — Catholic News Service
- Father Tad Discusses COVID Vaccine Mandates on Sirius XM Radio
- Father Tad Discusses COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates in Hospitals and Universities on the Son Rise Morning Show
- Father Tad Comments on Proposed Changes to Brain Death Laws — Catholic News Agency
- EWTN World Over with Raymond Arroyo on J & J Vaccine
- Father Tad in Wall Street Journal re J&J's Vaccine - OK to Receive?
- J & J COVID Vaccine with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- ABC News - Fr Tad on Johnson & Johnson's vaccine rekindling questions
- Father Tad on Vatican Employees and COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show on Vaccine Ethics
- EWTN World Over with Raymond Arroyo
- Vaccines with Drew Mariani - Relevant Radio
- NC Register - As COVID-19 Vaccinations Ramp Up, Ethical Issues Arise
- Kresta in the Afternoon Radio — Fr. Tad Discusses Vaccine Ethics
- Interview on CFN TV About mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
- Father Tad in Public Discourse on Fetal Tissue
- ABC News and Fetal Tissue Usage
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show with Father Tad
- Father Tad Interviewed on CFN TV in Long Island
- National Catholic Register — COVID Vaccines Enter Testing
- National Catholic Register — Ethical Hurdles & COVID Vaccines
- Father Tad & Dr. Hannan Address Brain Death in Legatus Magazine
- Radio Interview on SiriusXM About Covid-19 Vaccine Developments
- Release of Final Report — NIH Human Fetal Tissue Ethics Advisory Board
- Al Kresta Interviews Father Tad on Russian Coronavirus Vaccine Development
- Father Tad Appointed to the National Institutes of Health Human Fetal Tissue Research Ethics Advisory Board
- Al Kresta Interviews Father Tad on the Ethics of Covid Vaccines
- Catholic Answers Live / EWTN National Call-In Radio Show with Father Tad
- Catholic Health Association's Magazine: Health Progress references Father Tad's Ventilator Allocation Position
- The National Catholic Register on Dubious Coronavirus Remedies
- CatholicPhilly.com and Father Tad's Comments on Allocating Ventilators
- Catholic News Service Includes Father Tad's Comments on Covid-19
Our Sunday Visitor News Reporter Kate Scanlon Interviews Father Tad on the Legalization of Marijuana
June 1, 2023

In this news article that addresses the legalization of recreational marijuana, Father Tad voices the concern that dissociating ourselves from reality through induced euphoria is morally problematic. Using drugs for recreational use also correlates with adverse health effects along with negative life ramifications. Father Tad offers that while it "may be increasingly legal, that doesn't mean cannabis is safe or ethical to use."
Read the Our Sunday Visitor News article here or here.
You may also access these related columns for further thoughts from Father Tad on this topic.
©2025 by Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D.