Father Tad



Speaking Engagements





Some of Father Tad's Presentation Topics:


1. Beginning of Life Issues: In Vitro Fertilization, and Assisted Reproductive Technologies

2. Physician Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia, Pain Management and Hospice

3. End of Life Decision Making: Ethical Decision Making in Sickness and Compromised States

4. Clarifying the Moral Issues Surrounding Brain Death in the Light of Some Contemporary Cases

5. The Dignity of the Human Person: The Image of God and Human Freedom

6. Complicated Cases in Pregnancy and the Principle of Double Effect

7. Thinking Through the Ethics of the Transgender Question

8. The Biomedical Researcher and the Human Embryo

9. Recent Controversial Developments in the Biosciences and Bioethics

10. Vaccines, Ventilators, and other Ethical Challenges of Covid-19

11. The Good of Love & Life: Contraception and Catholicism

12. The Science and Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research

13. Welcoming in Truth and Charity: The Church’s Authentic Teaching on Same Sex Attraction

14. The Tattoo Phenomenon and Body Modifications

15. Age-Extension Technologies, Transhumanism and "Building a Better Human"


Please see the NCBC Speaker's Bureau for the Speaker Request Form to invite Father Tad to present at your event. For additional information, please contact Julie Kelley (215-871-2013), Manager of Educational Programs and Events for the NCBC.