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“Short Takes” in Bioethics


Grab some “Bioethics 101” with Father Tad as he sums up basic bioethical questions and themes in the space of a couple of minutes. Check out the "For More Info" Resources as well!








Is it Ethical to Donate My Organs?


For more info, see: Organ Donation



Why is a Health Care Proxy Preferable to a Living Will?


For more info, see: Living Wills



What Are “Ordinary” vs. “Extraordinary” Treatments?


For more info, see: Extraordinary Means



Are Food and Water "Medical Treatments"?


For more info, see: Food & Water



Why is In Vitro Fertilization Wrong?


For more info, see:  IVF



What About Contraception?


For more info, see: Birth Control


What About Euthanasia?


For more info, see: Euthanasia & Physician-Assisted Suicide